1. Please introduce yourself.
Let me start with assalamualaikum and good morning to Associate Professor Dr. Izaham Shah Ismail. The name is Muammar Fhais B. Abu Samah and I'm from Malacca. I was born on the 2nd of March 1987 and I'm the second child of five.
2. How would you rate yourself in terms of your computer skills and why? (e.g. expert, novice, savvy, geek, illiterate etc)
How I would rate myself? What I can say is, I'm not that good in computer nor that bad and yet I'm still learning and impoving my skills in computer.
3. What computer software and hardware knowledge do you have?Microsoft Office, Adobe.
4. Have you experienced learning via the computer (online, etc)?No. I never experienced any form of lerning via the computer.
5. Did you try to incorporate technology in your some of your lessons during your practicum? Was it a success or a failure? If you did not what was/were the reason(s)?
I tried and it was quite successful.
6. What is your opinion on the use of computer/technology in language teaching?
Teaching anything with the use of computer especially the technology would be good and helpful not just for the students but also the tecahers. However, computers should be used as a language learning tool just like any other piece of equipment. It is important that the computer not become the center of attention of the lesson. There are situations when activities at the computer can become the center of attention where the students are too focusing on the computer and not the teacher. It would lead to the faluire of the lesson due to the lack of concerntration from the stuents. Therefore, these situations should be avoided and left to teachers to decide when, and if, they want to utilize such activities.
7. What are your expectations from this course?
I'm expecting I could learn everything(I wish) that the course offers. For the first class, and to be frank, I'm not quite sure about the course just yet, but from what Dr. Izaham had told so far, what I can understand, it's about teaching via the computer and techniology. therefore, it's nessasary of the teachers to at least know how to cooperate their computer skills and the technology with teaching.
It is important that the computer not become the center of attention of the lesson. There are situations when activities at the computer can become the center of attention where the students are too focusing on the computer and not the teacher.
This is a common problem even with adult learners.
I totally agree!
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